by Monica Kamran | Apr 17, 2017 | Reiki and Energy Healing
Soo thankful to Wellness Universe for publishing my article.
by Monica Kamran | Feb 22, 2017 | Mindfulness tips, Reiki and Energy Healing
We all have been in situations where we feel depleted of our energy due to physical, emotional or mental strain. It is then that anger, worry and fear take over our mind and body detaching us from ‘being present’ and causing imbalance and for many, a shift away from...
by Monica Kamran | May 21, 2016 | Reiki and Energy Healing
It’s been a wonderful week with daily(well, almost) meditation and reiki sessions. These moments offer tremendous calmness and inner peace and above all, a new discovery! A discovery about myself and how I face new challenges that life offers in its golden...
by Monica Kamran | May 21, 2016 | Mindfulness tips, Reiki and Energy Healing
My goal for practicing Reiki has always been, ‘Keep it simple!’. And that’s what I teach my students in all the Reiki Levels, specially when they are starting out. It is a practice to be adopted in everyday life and in every aspect and strata of our...
by Monica Kamran | May 21, 2016 | Meditation, Reiki and Energy Healing
Reiki works on Intuition and Intent. It is very important that your intention is clear, specific , positive and beneficial and more importantly, not harmful for anyone. It requires Focus and Belief in yourself, Reiki and the fulfillment of your desire with the help of...