Shower Meditation

Shower Meditation

  A perfect Analogy where the stress actually goes down the drain!! My blog was published in The American Kahani!! Sharing it here too All the Stresses Down the Drain: The Empowering Benefits of Shower Meditation Check it...
Pebble in a Jar

Pebble in a Jar

Mindfulness needs practice and I often use Meditation to be mindful. Meditation helps to calm the mind, still the mind, silent the mind and the thoughts just come to a halt. And THAT, helps with being Mindful, being and staying in the present and just appreciating the...
Self Acceptance ~ an effective practice

Self Acceptance ~ an effective practice

Shelter in Place has been transforming, difficult, challenging, productive, a learning experience, a fight for survival, enlightening and even a time to just step back and simply relish the much needed relaxation. The list goes on…. ~Different for each one of...
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