Reiki for Centering and Stability ~ Earth Star Chakra
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. This experience encompasses both conscious and unconscious exploration of the soul’s journey. The journey begins with ascending to higher realms, but curveballs and pitfalls can muddle our focus and goals with...
Autism and Reiki
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Shower Meditation
A perfect Analogy where the stress actually goes down the drain!! My blog was published in The American Kahani!! Sharing it here too Check it...
Pebble in a Jar
Mindfulness needs practice and I often use Meditation to be mindful. Meditation helps to calm the mind, still the mind, silent the mind and the thoughts just come to a halt. And THAT, helps with being Mindful, being and staying in the present and just appreciating the...
Self Acceptance ~ an effective practice
Shelter in Place has been transforming, difficult, challenging, productive, a learning experience, a fight for survival, enlightening and even a time to just step back and simply relish the much needed relaxation. The list goes on.... ~Different for each one of us!!~...
Cancel, Clear, Delete…….
We all are on a journey......our own journey.....we have to find our own path as what works for one, does not work for another. In my quest to be mindful and 'BE PRESENT', I realized that one of the components of being mindful is being nonjudgmental or letting go of...
Reiki: A natural remedy for aches and pains
Reiki, a non invasive energy healing modality works great for aches, pains and inflammation. The key is to be consistent! Sharing an article I wrote for The Wellness Universe:
5 Tips to Wake Up Feeling Inspired
I feel grateful when I can share what I practice and what has worked for me and my clients. If you wake up feeling inspired and motivated, you will be ready to face the challenges of the day. It's not that life changes overnight OR your circumstances change BUT your...
Balance Energy with this simple technique
Feeling drained, tired or spacey? We all tend to feel overwhelmed, tired or overactive at times. This is a great way to balance your energy- to receive and let go. I use it very often and all my students and clients who have used this technique after Reiki...
FOMO!!! Does this effect your Work/Life Balance?
FOMO is Fear of Missing Out! Many of us have the fear of missing out on social scenarios at the professional or personal front. Whether it is visiting the social media sites often to see what's new or a social gathering or even peeking into a co-worker's cubicle. The...