Shower Meditation

Shower Meditation

  A perfect Analogy where the stress actually goes down the drain!! My blog was published in The American Kahani!! Sharing it here too Check it...

Pebble in a Jar

Pebble in a Jar

Mindfulness needs practice and I often use Meditation to be mindful. Meditation helps to calm the mind, still the mind, silent the mind and the thoughts just come to a halt. And THAT, helps with being Mindful, being and staying in the present and just appreciating the...

Self Acceptance ~ an effective practice

Self Acceptance ~ an effective practice

Shelter in Place has been transforming, difficult, challenging, productive, a learning experience, a fight for survival, enlightening and even a time to just step back and simply relish the much needed relaxation. The list goes on.... ~Different for each one of us!!~...

5 Tips to Wake Up Feeling Inspired

5 Tips to Wake Up Feeling Inspired

I feel grateful when I can share what I practice and what has worked for me and my clients. If you wake up feeling inspired and motivated, you will be ready to face the challenges of the day. It's not that life changes overnight OR your circumstances change BUT your...

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